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Coach Training Events

We have several opportunities for NICL Coaches to satisfy their training requirements! Check out all of the available training below! If you have questions, contact Ryan Moseley, Coach Development Coordinator, at

2025 NICL Leaders Summit Powered by Core Power

May 3-4, 2025—Platte River State Park

Our annual coach retreat is designed for our new and returning coaches to gather, connect, and learn how to be our best selves on and off the bike. In 2025, we will offer two tracks: the Leaders Summit track and the Coach Retreat track. On the Bike Skills 101, 201, and Mountain Bike Medicine will also be offered.

This year, two tracks will be offered: The Leaders Summit track and the Coach Retreat track.

  • If you are a brand-new coach to NICL or have not attended a Leaders Summit before (either in person or online), you will register for the Leaders Summit track.
  • If you have already attended a Leaders Summit (either in person or online), then you will register for the Coach Retreat track.


On the Bike Skills 101 + 201

OTB 101 consists of an in-person and online portion designed to teach coaches how to teach mountain biking skills at practices, provide appropriate feedback to student-athletes, and lead rides at practice.

Online Leader Summit

The NICA Leaders Summit is a set of four core workshops that build the foundation for coach leadership. For new coaches, this is a great way to get familiar with the NICA Philosophy. Finishing all four Leaders’ Summit workshops is a requirement for anyone seeking a Level 3 coach license.

Level 2 First Aid Courses

This course will help coaches be more prepared on the trail and will satisfy the first aid requirement for a Level 2 Coach License. These are offered in Omaha and Lincoln.

More info and dates are coming!

Level 3 First Aid Courses (MTB Medicine)

This course is designed to provide an individual with an introduction to wilderness medicine and the basic skills to treat the most common injuries encountered in the wilderness. This course will satisfy the first aid requirement for a Level 3 Coach License.