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Summer is coming to an end and while families are gearing up for the beginning of a new school year, we’re gearing up for a new season of mountain biking! 

We have teams across Douglas and Sarpy County, Lancaster County, Norfolk Area, and even Des Moines, Iowa! Check out our team map for contact information for each team.

Additionally, we’re excited to announce that there is now an Elkhorn South High School Mountain Bike Team and a brand new Blair Composite Mountain Bike Team! Contact info for each team is listed below: 

Elkhorn South High School – Mike Michaelis (Team Director) –

Blair Composite – Jon Zahourek (Head Coach) –

There is an informational meeting for parents and student-athletes at Black Elk Park in Blair, NE, on July 28th at 7 PM. 

The first practice starts on August 2nd at 6:30 PM at Black Elk/Neihardt. 

As we continue to grow, we are always looking for coaches to help support our student-athletes. The best thing is that there is no experience necessary; you just need a passion for kids! To learn more, check out our Coach Licensing page and reach out to Susan Reff (Coach Development Coordinator) at for more information! 

From the first pedal stroke, we have fun, we include, and we encourage. Come join us!